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/ Games of Daze / Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso / x2ftp / msdos / source / scrasm

Jump To: Text (23)  |  Other (15)

Text (23)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
00index.txt Text File 40 3KB 1995-05-23
80x86.asc Text File 165 6KB 1991-03-04
80x86.txt Text File 495 26KB 1991-03-03
constant.inc Text File 127 4KB 1993-03-08
genmap.c Text File 99 3KB 1993-03-09
genmap.lnk Text File 2 14b 1993-03-08
genpal.c Text File 51 1KB 1993-03-09
genpal.lnk Text File 2 14b 1993-03-08
gensq.c Text File 102 3KB 1993-03-09
gensq.lnk Text File 2 13b 1993-03-08
init.inc Text File 375 15KB 1993-03-09
keyb.inc Text File 237 9KB 1993-03-09
lztimer.asm Assembly Source File 636 21KB 1993-01-31
main.asm Assembly Source File 134 5KB 1993-03-09
makefile Makefile 47 776b 1993-03-08
map.inc Text File 413 12KB 1993-03-09
modex.inc Text File 88 4KB 1993-03-08
page.inc Text File 109 5KB 1993-03-08
palette.inc Text File 239 9KB 1993-03-08
scroll.doc Text File 297 16KB 1993-03-09
scroll.inc Text File 441 19KB 1993-03-08
scroll.lnk Text File 3 34b 1993-03-08
sprite.inc Text File 280 11KB 1993-03-08

Other Files (15)
genmap.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 19KB 1993-03-09
genpal.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 18KB 1993-03-09
gensq.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 19KB 1993-03-09
scroll.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 30KB 1993-03-09
genmap.obj Relocatable Object Module 3KB 1993-03-09
genpal.obj Relocatable Object Module 2KB 1993-03-09
gensq.obj Relocatable Object Module 3KB 1993-03-09
lztimer.obj Relocatable Object Module 3KB 1993-03-09
main.obj Relocatable Object Module 17KB 1993-03-09
diagonal.map Unknown 65KB 1993-07-12
diagonal.pal Unknown 768b 1993-07-12
diagonal.til Unknown 66KB 1993-07-12
scroll.map Unknown 344b 1993-03-09
scroll.pal Unknown 768b 1993-03-09
scroll.til Unknown 10KB 1993-03-09